Knowing Who You Are in Jesus Christ
"Knowing Who You Are In Jesus Christ"
"For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you" - Jesus
John 13:15
Knowing who you are in Je
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"Knowing Who You Are In Jesus Christ"
"For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you" - Jesus
John 13:15
Knowing who you are in Je
"Stronger Than Momma's Love"
Isaiah 49:13-18
The greatness of a Momma's Love
You have a story.
What if Momma forgets me.
Do you beleive in a love
When Your Journey Becomes His Story
Luke 24:28-35
"The Return of Jesus Christ"
The things you don's need to know concerning the return of Jesus Christ.
Question: Matthew 24:3 and Acts 1:6
Answer: Matt
"The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ"
The resurrection of Jesus was God's promise kept. Psalm 16:10; Isaiah 53:10-11
The resurrection of Jesus was God's power disp
"The Death Of Jesus Christ"
The death of Jesus Christ is meaningful. Isaiah 53:4-9
The death of Jesus Christ is fruitful. John 12:23-24
The death of Jes
Hebrews 12:18-24
You can't get close to God. (12:18-21) Refer to Exodus 19-20
But you came to the relationship through the blood of J