Continue Hope In Jesus
Revelation 1
1 Corinthians 15
John 1
Mark 2:17
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Revelation 1
1 Corinthians 15
John 1
Mark 2:17
"JESUS and the Promise of the Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit = The Purpose of GOD"
John 15:1-27
To make JESUS known: "The Spirit fo Truth who proceeds from the Father, H
"JESUS and the Promise of the Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit = The Presence of GOD"
John 14:15-31
Spiritually in Context
The Love Connection
My Word-Love
"Believing JESUS-The Truth Teller"
1-3 Believing JESUS in the midst of troubles.
Believing JESUS about Heaven.
Believing HIS plan.
"JESUS Still Minister's Today"
John 13:21-38
JESUS ministered in His trouble.
He was surrounded by the enemy, a traitor, a denier and a perplexed insecure grou
"JESUS Shows Us the Way"
John 13:1-20
JESUS shows us how to love! (13:1)
The Lamb is ready!
It's time to go to My Father!
I really love these knuck
"JESUS' Ways Are Not Our Ways"
John 12
JESUS has a different kind of accounting. 12:2-8
JESUS has a different kind of a ride. 12:15
JESUS has a differ