(662) 307-2503 | info@christcommunityms.com
2950 Carrollton Road
Grenada, MS 38902-1021
"Words From Your Pastor"
Luke 5:27-39
Community & Mission (5:27-35)
We are Friends of Jesus, we beleive in Him, love Him, follow Him. This is who we are.
We do what Jesus does. Call sinners to repentance, make disciples, enjoy Him. This is what we do.
Comfort & Convenience (5:36-39)
These are the fists punching the body of Christ in America. Even with CCC our community and mission suffer from the attack of these two.
Fear of change is natural but resistance to change can be sinful. God is up to something new in our time, let's not resist God.
More than a new building!
Soon we will be worshipping God in a new building, but God has so much more for us. Look around, we are living in a new country and a new world. The Lord is building a new church for these new times. Church as usual is over and it is time for His church to shine.