(662) 307-2503 | info@christcommunityms.com
2950 Carrollton Road
Grenada, MS 38902-1021
Who are you stepping for?
Matthew 26: 36-56
1. Steps of Temptation
a. Matthew 26:36-46
b. The Effect: Matthew 26:56 - We run away.
2. Steps of Betrayal
a. Matthew 26:14-6; 47-50
b. The Effect: Matthew 27:3-5 - Guilt
3. Steps of Vengeance
a. Matthew 26:51-54
b. The Effect: loss of Identity
4. Steps of Healing
5. Steps of Grace (Getting what you don't deserve.)
a. Matthew 26:40-46
6. Steps of Mercy (Not getting what you deserve.)
a. Matthew 27:27-31
7. Who are you stepping for.