(662) 307-2503 | info@christcommunityms.com
2950 Carrollton Road
Grenada, MS 38902-1021
"Wake Up And Walk"
Ephesians 5:8-14
Has there been a change in YOU from darkness to light?
Is there any darkness remaining?
Is the Spirit of God bearing fruit in YOU?
Then wake up and walk!
Matthew 26:36-46
Has Jesus invited YOU to pray with Him?
Have YOU fallen asleep on YOUR spiritual life?
Have YOU entered into temptation becasue of lack of prayer?
Then wake up and pray?
Isaiah 60:1-3 & Proverbs 4:18
Have YOU realized YOUR light has come?
Does the light in YOU shine with the glory of God?
Is the light in YOU growing brighter/dimmer?
Then wake up and shine!