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"The Gospel of Jesus Christ the Son of God: 22"
Mark 11:1-33
Our passage shows Jesus taking the national stage as He begins His Passion week.
11:1-11 The Savior is revealed to the Nation and the Nation is revealed to the Savior. "Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD!" "Jesus went into Jerusalem and into the temple...He had looked around at all things."
11:12-19 The Savior reveals the heart of the Nation. All leaves and no fruit. "My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations, but you have made it a den of thieves."
11:20-26 Jesus teaches His disciples about fruitful prayer. "Have faith in God." When you pray-believe." "Whenever you stand praying-forgive."
11:27-33 The Savior reveals the fear of the Nation. "Was it from Heaven or from men." They feared the people."
"Yet let us remember that everything in our national life that sir really great, that has in it the true element of beauty and nobility, is the result of God's compassion and God's deliverance and God's illumination. Our national life...is verily a Divine creation, and has been sustained by God as surely as was that of Israel of old." G. C. Morgan