The Gospel of Jesus Christ the Son Of God 21

March 26, 2017 | John Goldwater• Listen to Message

"The Gospel of Jesus Christ the Son of God: 21"
Mark 10:32-52

Jesus sets His course for Jerusalem. The beginning of the end of the beginning. (32-34)
Look at His cross again - betrayed, condemned, mocked, scourged, s pit on, and killed - God for us.
Never forget His resurrection - "And the third day He will rest again." God with us.

Jesus sets the example for servant leadership for His church. (35-45)
We serve - not by position - not by ability only - and not like the world.
We serve like Jesus: "For the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many."

A good example of coming to Jesus (46-52)
Listening for Jesus
Determined to come to Jesus - "He began to cry out...he cried out all the more."
Understanding who Jesus is - "Son of David"
Honest about out need - "Have mercy on me."
Ask - believe - receive - follow - glorify God

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