(662) 307-2503 | info@christcommunityms.com
2950 Carrollton Road
Grenada, MS 38902-1021
John 18:38-19:16
The Basis for Judging JESUS
-"You have a custom...at the Passover"
-"We have a law, and according to our law He ought to die"
-"I have power to crucify You and power to release You"
JESUS Was Rejected
-Rejected Integrity: "Not this Man, but Barabbas...Barabbas was a robber."
-Rejected Humanity: "Behold the Man!...When they saw Him, they cried out, saying, 'Crucify Him!'"
-Rejected Royalty: "Behold your King!...'We have no king but Caesar!'"
JESUS Is The Judge
-True Power comes from Above
-"The Father judges no one, but has committed all judgment to the Son" John 5:22
-"It is He who was ordained by God to be Judge of the living and the dead." Acts 10:42