Jesus Th Son of God 5 Proofs and 5 Witnesses One Mission

October 06, 2019 | John Goldwater• Listen to Message

"JESUS: The Son of GOD, Five Proofs and Five Witnesses, One Mission"
John 5:16-40

5:16-18 The Controversy: "They sought all the more to kill Him, because He...said that GOD was His Father, making Himself equal to GOD."

5:19-30 Five Proofs: Jesus is the Son of GOD.
5:19, 24, 30 = His connection to the Father.
5:20 = The love of the Father (access to GOD).
5:21, 25, 26, 28 = The power over life and death.
5:22, 27-29 = The authority to judge.
5:23 = The honor pf the Father (both and neither).

5:31-40 Five Witnesses: JESUS is the Son of GOD.
5:32 - GOD the Holy Spirit.
5:33-35 = John the Baptist (The Church Age).
Points on the truth.
A lamp and not the LIGHT.
Used up and disposed of by the culture.
5:36 = The works of GOD (Matthew 11:5, 6).
5:37, 38 = GOD the Father
5:39 = GOD's Word, the Scriptures (John 5:46)

5:34, 39, 40 One mission: save the lost and give life.
"I say these things that you may be saved."
"You are not willing to come to Me that you may have life."

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