JESUS and the Promise of the Holy Spirit 2

February 16, 2020 | John Goldwater• Listen to Message

"JESUS and the Promise of the Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit = The Purpose of GOD"
John 15:1-27

To make JESUS known: "The Spirit fo Truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify of me. And you also will bear witness." 15:26-27

15:1-8: Known Personally - Me and GOD
Living the Christ life now.
Bearing fruit - healthy and abundant
Glorifying to GOD - "By this My Father is glorified." 15:8

15:9-17: Known Collectively - the Church
Obeying Christ's command
Bearing fruit - "That your joy may be full", "Greater Love", "That your fruit shall remain" 15:11, 13, 16
Friends with JESUS and one another

15:18-25: Known Culturally - in the world
Preserving hate and love lost
Identifying with JESUS - "I chose you out of the world" 15:19
To remember and speak His Word - "If they kept My Word, they will keep yours also." 15:20

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