Goodbye Fear

September 16, 2018 | Jamie Harrison• Listen to Message

"Good Bye Fear"
2 Timothy 1:3-12

1. A Sincere Faith (v. 3-5)
Family members like this?
Are you passing down your faith?

2. The Gift (v. 6)
Charisma-Spiritual Gift
Negativity, time, and a lack of results

3. A Spirit of Fear? (v. 7)
Delia-runs from battle, cowardice
Fear and focus

4. A Spirit of power, love and a sound mind (v. 7)
Dunamis-miraculous power, strength or courage
agape-affection or benevolence
sophronismos-discipline or self-control

5. Not Ashamed (v. 8-12)
Have you been exercising your gift?

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