Clarity When JESUS Walk In

September 01, 2019 | John Goldwater• Listen to Message

"Clarity When JESUS Walks In"
John 2:13-25

Clarity about religious times and places
Clarity about "Business as Usual"
"He found in the temple...the money changers doing business. When He had made a whip...He drove them all out of the temple."

Clarity about real authority.
Jesus: "What sign do You show us...? Jesus...said to them, destroy this temple (cross), and in three days I will raise it up (resurrection)." 2:18, 19
"The Jews request a sign...but we preach Christ crucified; tho the Jews a stumbling block." 1 Corinthians 1:22, 23
Scripture = the Shepherd's Voice
"His disciples remembered that it was written...His disciples remembered...and they believed the Scripture." John 2:17, 22

Clarity about real leadership.
We follow JESUS
"Many believed in His name" 2:23
"But Jesus did not commit Himself to them." 2:24
JESUS is not here to take sides, HE is here to take over!

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