(662) 307-2503 | info@christcommunityms.com
2950 Carrollton Road
Grenada, MS 38902-1021
"Christmas Potpourri: Just Talking About JESUS"
JESUS was born to rule - There will be conflict. We cannot avoid the conflict and we must not let it stop us.
Isaiah 9:6-7
Matthew 2:1-12
Revelation 11:15, 12:5
JESUS was born to relate to us - Therefore, we are not abandoned or worthless. Though we walk through dark times, we must continue to live and follow His light.
John 1:1-5
Romans 8:3-4
Ephesians 3:20-21
Philippians 2:5-11
Hebrews 2:5-18
JESUS was born ro redeem us - His name and His mission are the same -- JESUS Saves Bro!!! JESUS is the High Priest and the Holy Sacrifice. JESUS is the Judge and our Advocate.
Matthew 1:21
Luke 2:12, 19:10
1 Timothy 1:15
Hebrews 9:11, 26
There is no one like JESUS!!! Merry CHRISTmas!!!