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2950 Carrollton Road
Grenada, MS 38902-1021
A Grace Big Party
Luke 15
The Situation: Jesus, The Man of Grace stands up for a group of sinners against a group of self-righteous religious leaders.
3 Stories showing God's pattern of grace: Something valuable is lost - that which was lost is restored - a GRACE big party is thrown.
Insights into God's Grace:
Nothing ends the lostness of mankind except for the grace of God.
God's grace seeks, finds and receives.
Everyone in Heaven and on EArth is invited to God's GRACE big party, but not everyone will come.
Living life at God's GRACE Big Party: I was lost but now am found; it is right for me to make merry adn be glad; I hope to bring all who wil come into God's GRACE Big Party!