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January 26, 2014 | John Goldwater

We Need to Be Revived
Psalm 119:153-160

The Saints need to be revived.

The Sinners need to be revived.

The Sovereign's power to revive.

January 19, 2014 | John Goldwater

3 Key Words for CCC 2014
Acts 2:40-47

Invest = To Commit in order To Earn

Formalize = To Give a Definite Form

Mobilize = To Put into Movement; To Assem

January 12, 2014 | John Goldwater

Rooting Out Bitterness
Hebrews 12:14-15

The Germination of Bitterness
The Seed and the Soil
A Hurt Nourished in an Unforgiving Heart
The Devastation o

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