Defeating False Hope
"Defeating False Hope"
Judges 5:28-31
False Hope Defined: "The term ‘false hope' refers to a hope based entirely around a fantasy."
False Hope Delivered:
"Defeating False Hope"
Judges 5:28-31
False Hope Defined: "The term ‘false hope' refers to a hope based entirely around a fantasy."
False Hope Delivered:
"What would Jesus say to you?"
Would He tell you to "Rejoice"?
Would He ask you, "What is wrong with you"?
Would He command you to "Go"?
Would He offer you peace?<
"Have You Been to the Empty Tomb?"
Luke 24:1-7; Romans 6:3-6; Colossians 2:12-13
The early disciples at the empty tomb: they were greatly perplexed…they were afraid.
We Believe Jesus Died and Rose Again
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
Answering Life's Most Important Question (4:14-15)
Seeing Hope in the future and Sharing Comfort
Who are you stepping for?
Matthew 26: 36-56
1. Steps of Temptation
a. Matthew 26:36-46
b. The Effect: Matthew 26:56 - We run away.
2. Steps of Betray
"A People Ready for Revival"
James 4:7-10
Are you submitted to God in all things?
Are you resisting the devil?
Promise: The devil will flee!
Are you d
"The Shepherd Is My Lord #2"
Psalm 23:4-6
The grateful prayer of a sheep. Psalm 23:4-5
The joyful praise of a sheep. Psalm 23:5
1) You prepare a table before me