Matthew 3:13-17
Matthew 28:18-20
Romans 6:1-4
Matthew 3:13-17
Matthew 28:18-20
Romans 6:1-4
Baptism and Belonging: THe Bride of Christ
John 3:22-30
Clearing the water about baptism (25-28)
1. Baptisms are not a contest
2. Baptism does not save you or
"The Alpha, The Omega and The Mu: The Word of God"
The Alpha - Genesis 1:1-3
The Omega - Revelation 16:17, 19:11-15
The MU - John 1:1-5, 14
More M
Preaching the Word and Praying the Word of Faith
Romans 10:6-17
A faith preaching and praying church.
Preaching the Word of Faith 10:6-8, 14-17
Exalts Jes
Our Private Prayer Life Shapes Our Public Practice
Matthew 6:5-8; Psalm 10:3-11, 13, 15
Seeking God in our private life.
1. Jesus teaches us to seek God when we are
The Communion of the Body and Blood of Christ
1 Corinthians 10:14-22
Take this time to evaluate your own spiritual condition. (10:14,21)
Take this time to ev
"Commitment Sunday: Resources Follow Commitment"
Our Commitment to be His Church
We commit to God and to His walk. Romans 12: 1-2 & Ephesians 5:1-21
We co