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January 11, 2015 | John Goldwater

I Am Awake! Now What?

Seek The Lord
Isaiah 55:6
Jeremiah 29:13-14a
Amos 5:4-6

In The Acceptable Time
Psalm 32:6
2 Corinthians 6:2<

January 04, 2015 | John Goldwater

"Wake Up And Walk"

Ephesians 5:8-14
Has there been a change in YOU from darkness to light?
Is there any darkness remaining?
Is the Spirit of God beari

December 28, 2014 | John Goldwater

"Transformation In Grenada"
Acts 8:4-13

The "must" of transformation: (8:7, 9-11)
Our people are posessed.
Our people are paralyzed.
Our people ar

December 21, 2014 | John Goldwater

"Jesus: His Name Is His Mission"

Jesus in Isaiah 9:6-7
His Name: Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace
His Mission: To ord

December 14, 2014 | John Goldwater

O Come Let Us Adore Him
Psalm 29
1-2: What are you giving to the LORD this Christmas? What do you think HE wants?

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