You Must Be Born Again
"You Must Be Born Again!"
John 3:1-12
Religion VS Relationship
Religion tips its hat to Jesus (1-2)
Rabbi = Teacher
You are a Teacher came from Go
"You Must Be Born Again!"
John 3:1-12
Religion VS Relationship
Religion tips its hat to Jesus (1-2)
Rabbi = Teacher
You are a Teacher came from Go
"Kingdom Building #4: A Solemn Promise"
2 Chronicles 7:11-16
Finishing Strong: "Solomon finished the house of the LORD...(he) successfully accomplished all that cam
"Kingdom Building #4: A Sacred Prayer"
2 Chronicles 6:12-42
The Sacred Moment: (6:12,13)
It was their first praise service (5:11-14)
Sacred prayer in th
"Kingdom Building #3: A Sacrificial Pledge"
1 Chronicles 29:1-9
Introduction Leviticus 1:3; Exodus 35:20-21, 29, 36:5-7
Remeber the God-ward focus.
"Kingdom Building #2: A Shared Passion"
1 Chronicles 28:1-10
A Passion Shared With Our People (28:1)
The Sacred Assembly, "David assembled at Jerusalem all the
"Kingdom Building #1: A Special Place"
A Special Place In The Bible
Designated By King David. 2 Chronicles 3:1 & 1 Chronicles 21:1-22:1
The place where
"The Word Brings The SON Rise"
2 Peter 1:16-21
1:16-18, Witnesses To The Word
This was no fable or fantasy.
Powerful, Majestic, Excellent
The comin