You re My Strength
"You Are My Strength"
Isaiah 39:1-2, 5-8;
40:4-31; Jeremiah 25:3
"You Are My Strength"
Isaiah 39:1-2, 5-8;
40:4-31; Jeremiah 25:3
"Honor Your MOM"
Fact: Exodus 20:12 - The first horizontal commandment and the only one with an incentive attached.
Provision: John 19:25-27 - "He said to His
"Under Grace"
Romans 6:15-23
The Big Question: "What then? Shall we sin because we are not under the law but under grace?"
The Straight Answer: "Certainly not!
"Redemption the Rest of the Story"
Hebrews 9:24-10:25
"How Can You Be Great For God"
1 Samuel 16
The Beginning of the Story of Redemption
"God's Vision for the future of the Church"
Nehemiah 2