Luke 2:39-40; 3:21-22
JESUS' Parents Dedicated Him to the LORD.
"So when they had performed all things according to the law of the Lor
Luke 2:39-40; 3:21-22
JESUS' Parents Dedicated Him to the LORD.
"So when they had performed all things according to the law of the Lor
"Do Not Fear Them"
Mathew 10:26-33
"Do Not Fear Them." - And that is an order! This is GOD's standard and goal for all HIS people. The fear of people is a trap -
Do Not Refuse HIM
Hebrews 12:18-29
If You're Hearing This: 12:18-24
The emptiness of fear based religion has been exposed-"For you have not come to that m
Real Reformation
Romans 3:21-26
REAL REFORM happens when the righteousness of GOD is revealed
A righteousness apart from the law
A righteousness directly fro
GOD's Solution to Our Biggest Problems
Genesis 3:1-24
Our Biggest Problem: Not Trusting GOD
"So when the woman saw…a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of
"God's Solutions to Our Biggest Problems"
Genesis 1:26-28, 2:7-8, 18-25
Our first big problem: Being lonely
"And the LORD God said 'It is not good that man shoul